Documents & Resources
Our mission: To protect the public by promoting excellence in chiropractic regulation through service to our member boards
Our vision: The FCLB is the premier international resource for information and consolidated services for ensuring the safe, ethical practice of chiropractic

Who Are We
The Chiropractic Board Administrators Committee (CBAC), which comprises administrators and other personnel of chiropractic regulatory agencies in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and other jurisdictions, was founded in 1987 as the Association of Chiropractic Board Administrators (ACBA), and is a committee of the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB).
CBAC was established to allow the people who operate and manage regulatory agencies the opportunity to discuss and share best practices. All active members must be administrators or designated representatives of a chiropractic board or agency in accordance with laws, statutes, rules and/or regulations of the District of Columbia, or any state of the United States of America, or any territory of insular possession of the United States of America, and Canada and other countries.
All eligible administrators are welcome and encouraged to utilize this forum as a resource for improving and enhancing consumer protection.
Importance of CBAC
- CBAC offers an opportunity to share best practices.
- CBAC advocates for administrators of chiropractic service regulatory agencies.
- CBAC is a forum for positive changes within our own jurisdictions.
- CBAC allows members to share information about new legal issues and solutions.
- CBAC watches out for new technological advancements.
- CBAC explores industry trends that have an effect on legislation and regulation.
The key to our success, as an organization and as individual regulatory agencies, is to communicate with each other about what is happening in our own backyards and to educate us on the future of the chiropractic profession and how it will impact consumer protection.