Chiropractic Related Organizations

Our mission: To protect the public by promoting excellence in chiropractic regulation through service to our member boards

Our vision: The FCLB is the premier international resource for information and consolidated services for ensuring the safe, ethical practice of chiropractic

Organization Locator

American Black Chiropractic Association (ABCA)
President:  Brandi Childress, D.C.
Vice President:  Shereffa Clarke, D.C.
PO Box 12663
Houston, TX
Fax:  (404) 699-0988
American Black Chiropractic Association (ABCA) Logo ImageThe purpose of the ABCA is to help recruit, encourage, and support black persons to study chiropractic. The organization encourages research and development of the science, philosophy, and art of chiropractic.
American Chiropractic Association (ACA)
President:  Leo Bronston, D.C.
Vice President:  Marcus Nynas, D.C.
1701 Clarendon Blvd, Ste 200
Arlington, VA
Fax:  (703) 243-2593
American Chiropractic Association (ACA) Logo ImageThe largest chiropractic association in the country. Its mission is to preserve, protect, improve, and promote the chiropractic profession and the services of Doctors of Chiropractic for the benefit of the patients they serve.
Association for the History of Chiropractic (AHC)
President:  Roger Coleman, D.C.
Vice President:  Eric Russell, D.C., Steve Agocs, D.C.
4802 Fairhaven Ct.
Davenport, IA
Association for the History of Chiropractic (AHC) Logo ImageExecutive Director: Roger Hynes, B.Sc.,D.C., DPhCS, FICA A non-profit membership organization committed to exploring and preserving the rich heritage of the chiropractic profession. The AHC holds an annual conference at one of the chiropractic colleges and publishes a scholarly journal, Chiropractic History.
Association of Chiropractic Colleges (ACC)
President:  Rob Scott, D.C. (Chair)
2503-D N Harrison St #308
Arlington, VA
Association of Chiropractic Colleges (ACC) Logo Image
Executive Director: Ms. Anne Marie Munson

A non-profit organization of chiropractic educational institutions providing leadership, education, research, and service regarding chiropractic education.
Canadian Chiropractic Association (CCA)
President:  Dr. Judy Forrester
Vice President:  Dr. Russell Baron / Dr. Jaipaul Parmar
184 Front St E Suite 200
Toronto, ON
Toll Free:  (877) 222-9303
Canadian Chiropractic Association (CCA) Logo ImageThe mission of the CCA is to promote the interests of the chiropractic profession in Canada by promoting the benefits of chiropractic, professional unity and research; by providing member services and benefits and by safeguarding members' interests.
Canadian Chiropractic Examining Board (CCEB)
President:  Ms. Gemma Beierback, CEO
Suite 230, 1209 - 59th Avenue SE
Calgary, AB
T2H 2P6
Canadian Chiropractic Examining Board (CCEB) Logo ImageCCEB is the sole administrator for all chiropractic exams in Canada. They are a federally incorporated not-for-profit organization whose members are the provincial licensing bodies, to whom they report candidate results.
ChiroCongress (Formerly COCSA)
President:  Thomas Wetzen, D.C.
Vice President:  Brian Stenzler, D.C. ; Julie Bird, D.C.
699 June Drive
Mollalla, OR
Phone:  (503)922-2933
Fax:  (316) 633-4455
ChiroCongress (Formerly COCSA) Logo ImageComposed of state chiropractic associations from the 50 states. The mission of the Congress is to provide an apolitical forum for the promotion and advancement of the chiropractic profession through service to member state associations.
Chiropractic Economics
820 A1A N Highway W18
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
Toll Free:  (800) 533-4263
Fax:  (904) 285-9944
Chiropractic Economics Logo ImageA private media company that provides education to doctors and students of chiropractic through publishing Chiropractic Economics magazine, hosting webinars, sponsoring educational conferences, and maintaining educational resources online.
Chiropractic Summit - Administrator Lisa Love-Smith
It is the goal of the Chiropractic Summit to work on the following critical issues: 1. National Health Care Reform/Medicare Reform & DoD/VA/PHSC 2. Doctor Practice Satisfaction & Self Esteem 3. Profession wide collaboration, grassroots mobilization and self regulation. 4. Reimbursement/Anti-discrimination 5. Public Relations - telling the chiropractic story and promoting the brand (competition and cultural authority) 6. Improved practitioner documentation quality and compliance particularly within the Medicare system.
Citizen Advocacy Center (CAC)
President:  David Swankin
Vice President:  Mark Speicher
102 Gresham Pl.
Falls Church, VA
Fax:  (202) 354-5372
Citizen Advocacy Center (CAC) Logo ImageA private, nonprofit organization that provides support and training for public members of licensing and other health-related boards. Also conducts research and convenes conferences and forums on significant public issues related to health care quality assurance.
Clinical Compass (formerly CCGPP)
President:  Dr. Scott Mooring, Chair
Vice President:  Dr. Kris Anderson
PO Box 2542
Lexington, SC
Fax:  (803) 356-3826
Clinical Compass (formerly CCGPP) Logo ImageThe mission of the Clinical Compass is to improve patient outcomes by advancing evidence – based care in an effort to transform healthcare through knowledge translation. The Clinical Compass collaborates with every major chiropractic organization, many states and their respective associations, individual chiropractors, as well as other healthcare providers interested in providing the best, most evidence based care to their patients. Participation and process are as transparent as possible and a diverse cross-section of the chiropractic profession is represented.
Council on Chiropractic Education - Australasia (CCEA)
President:  Dr. Terry Crisp
Vice President:  Ms. Stacey Janssen, Executive Officer
GPO 622
Canberra, ACT
Council on Chiropractic Education - Australasia (CCEA) Logo ImageThe CCEA establishes and maintains standards of excellence in chiropractic education in Australia and New Zealand and, upon request, the Asian region. The Standards are appropriate to the Australasian education setting and consistent with international equivalencies enabling international recognition and mobility for graduates of accredited chiropractic programs. The Accreditation Committee is a balance of professional, institutional and lay representatives, providing expertise in accreditation and educational issues.
Council on Chiropractic Education - US (CCE-USA)
President:  Craig Little, D.C., President / CEO
Vice President:  Mr. S. Ray Bennett, Vice President for Accreditation & Operations
10105 E Via Linda Ste 103 PMB 3642
Scottsdale, AZ
Fax:  (480) 483-7333
Council on Chiropractic Education - US (CCE-USA) Logo ImageAn autonomous national organization, recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education to accredit programs and single-purpose institutions offering the doctor of chiropractic degree, which seeks to ensure the quality of chiropractic education in the U.S. by means of accreditation, educational improvement, and public information.
Council on Chiropractic Education Canada (CCEC)
President:  Dr. David Hayes - President
Vice President:  Mr. John Sutherland - Chief Executive Officer
Council on Chiropractic Education Canada (CCEC) Logo ImageDeveloped and maintained by the FCC, CCEC interprets the Standards for Doctor of Chiropractic Programmes, implements the process of accreditation, and certifies the quality and integrity of DCPs through evaluation of their compliance with the Criteria for Accreditation.
Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation (CLEAR)
President:  Marc Spector
403 Marquis Ave., Ste.200
Lexington, KY
Fax:  (859) 231-1943
Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation (CLEAR) Logo ImageAn international association for professional and occupational regulators. Its mission is to improve the quality and understanding of professional and occupational regulation to enhance public protection.
Councils on Chiropractic Education International (CCE-I)
President:  Cynthia Peterson, RN, D.C., DACBR, M.MED.ED
Vice President:  Terry Crisp, BAppSc, DNBCE
P.O. Box 4943
Pocatello, ID
Councils on Chiropractic Education International (CCE-I) Logo ImageThe Councils on Chiropractic Education International (CCEI) is an organization of chiropractic accrediting bodies worldwide. CCEI is committed to excellence in chiropractic education through emphasis on quality in its International Chiropractic Accreditation Standards, and by aiding in the development and recognition of new accrediting bodies in geographic regions where such agencies are not currently recognized. CCEI provides accreditation services through its assigned member organizations to chiropractic educational entities situated in areas not currently served by a CCEI member agency. Accreditation agency actions and status designations for chiropractic educational entities that award equivalent degrees are mutually endorsed on the basis of membership in CCEI.
Dynamic Chiropractic Online
412 Olive Avenue #208
Huntington Beach, CA
Fax:  (714) 850-0153
Dynamic Chiropractic Online Logo ImageExecutive Editor: Peter W. Crownfield

Chiropractic news, archives, discussion groups, calendar of events. ChiroFind - locate a doctor of chiropractic. Links to educational and other resources.
Ethics and Boundaries Assessment Services, LLC (EBAS)
President:  Bradley Guye (Business Development Manager)
901 54th Ave
Greeley, CO
Ethics and Boundaries Assessment Services, LLC (EBAS) Logo ImageEthics and Boundaries Assessment Services, LLC (EBAS), was established to address the post-licensure testing needs of regulated professions concerning ethical violations. The E&B Essay Examination is a computerized examination that provides a tool to assess a licensee’s understanding of ethical and boundary issues as relevant to the professional workplace environment.
European Chiropractors' Union (ECU)
President:  Vivian Kil
Vice President:  Chris Mikus
The Glasshouse 5A Hampton Rd
Hampton Hill, Middlesex
TW12 1JN
European Chiropractors' Union (ECU) Logo ImageSecretary General: Jim Pettipher The European Chiropractors' Union (ECU) is established to promote the development of Chiropractic in Europe as well as to pursue the interests of Chiropractic as a science and a profession by research, teaching, publications and legal activities. It represents the Chiropractic profession in Europe on a supranational level.
European Council on Chiropractic Education (ECCE)
President:  Dr. Kenneth Vall, President
Vice President:  Mandy Stagg, Executive Secretary
Scharenkamp 22
Fax:  (44) (0) 7951 899701
European Council on Chiropractic Education (ECCE) Logo ImageThe ECCE's mission is to establish standards of excellence for the education and training of chiropractors as safe and competent primary contact practitioners.
Federation of Associations of Regulatory Boards (FARB)
President:  Michael J. Armstrong
1100 E Woodfield Road, Suite 350
Schaumburg, IL
Federation of Associations of Regulatory Boards (FARB) Logo ImageAlyssa Kec, Executive Director - An organization of associations composed of professional regulatory boards. Objectives are to exchange information and engage in programs and joint activities relating to the licensing of professionals, solving mutual problems, improving standards of the professions, etc.
Federation of Canadian Chiropractic (FCC) (Formerly Canadian Federation of Chiropractic Regulatory and Educational Accrediting Boards (CFCREAB)
President:  Philippe Lariviere, D.C., President
Vice President:  John Sutherland, CEO
30 Gloucester St, Ste 2301
Toronto, ON
M4Y 1L6
Federation of Canadian Chiropractic (FCC) (Formerly Canadian Federation of Chiropractic Regulatory and Educational Accrediting Boards (CFCREAB) Logo ImageThe Canadian Federation of Chiropractic Regulatory and Educational Accrediting Boards (the Federation) is a national association of provincial and territorial chiropractic licensing authorities and accredited educational programmes and is incorporated under the Canada Corporations Act. All health care professions are regulated at the provincial and territorial level, as such, the role of the Federation is to provide a forum at the national level for the exchange of information, resources and experience in order to assist the member regulatory boards to best carry out their responsibilities.
Foundation for Chiropractic Progress (F4CP)
President:  Dr. Sherry McAllister
P.O. Box 65
Folsom, CA
Toll Free:  (866) 901-3427
Foundation for Chiropractic Progress (F4CP) Logo ImageThe Foundation for Chiropractic Progress embraces a mission of generating positive press for the chiropractic profession and increasing public awareness to the many benefits associated with chiropractic care. The Foundations public awareness campaign consists of monthly press releases, advertorials, public service announcements, advertisements (print, radio, television), and partnerships with high profile spokespeople.
International Board of Chiropractic Examiners (IBCE)
901 54th Ave
Greeley, CO
International Board of Chiropractic Examiners (IBCE) Logo ImageThe International Board of Chiropractic Examiners (IBCE) was established to assist interested regulatory authorities in the international chiropractic community. The IBCE does not embrace any particular chiropractic philosophy. Instead, the IBCE produces tests according to information provided collectively by the chiropractic educational institutions, regulatory authorities, field practitioners, and subject specialists, along with an analysis of the chiropractic profession within each jurisdiction that chooses to utilize IBCE services.
International Chiropractic Regulatory Society (ICRS)
President:  Dr. Wayne Minter, D.C., Chair
Vice President:  Dr. Lisa Richard, Vice Chair
International Chiropractic Regulatory Society (ICRS) Logo ImageThe ICRS is an informal group established to support those jurisdictions that have legislative authority to regulate chiropractors, and to assist those who wish to work toward adding the appropriate regulatory structure to protect the public. Anyone interested in the goals of the ICRS is welcome to attend the annual Forum and to participate in the project groups.
International Chiropractors Association (ICA)
President:  Selina Sigafoose Jackson, D.C. FICA, President
Vice President:  Joseph Bezt, D.C. CICE, FCBP, FICA
6400 Arlington Blvd, Ste. 800
Falls Church, VA
Toll Free:  (800) 423-4690
Fax:  (703) 528-5023
International Chiropractors Association (ICA) Logo ImageA professional organization dedicated to advancing the chiropractic profession and representing and promoting the interests of doctors of chiropractic and the patients they serve through advocacy, research and education. Its mission is to move the profession forward while preserving its unique identity as a separate, distinct and drugless health care profession.
International College of Chiropractors, Inc. (ICC)
President:  Kenneth Padgett, D.C., President
Vice President:  Richard Brassard, D.C., Vice President
1100 Parkway Drive Suite B
Goldboro, NC
International College of Chiropractors, Inc. (ICC) Logo Image"An Order of Merit, Service and Fellowship", an ancillary agency of the ACA, promotes the philosophy, study, and teaching of chiropractic, encourages a high code of ethics and high standard of morals, and seeks valuable discoveries to the further development of the science of chiropractic. Fellows are honored members of the society.
International Federation of Chiropractors And Organizations (formerly the FSCO)
President:  Grant Dennis, DC, President
Vice President:  Jen Steinberg, Administrative Director
2276 Wassergass Road
Hellertown, PA
Toll Free:  (800) 521-9856
International Federation of Chiropractors And Organizations (formerly the FSCO) Logo ImageNational organization representing straight chiropractic and those straight chiropractors adhering to its non-therapeutic practice. Its objective is to promote, protect, and advance the philosophy, science, and the art of correcting vertebral subluxation and to facilitate the public access to and knowledge of the services of straight chiropractic.
International Federation of Sports Chiropractic (FICS) Federation Internationale de Chiropratique du Sport
President:  Dr. Martin Isaksson
Vice President:  Dr. Nathan Akmens, Dr. Gillian Johnston
FICS Headquarters, MSI Maison du Sport International, Avenue de Rhondanie 54
Laussane , VD
Fax:  +41 (21) 601-7923 or (416) 484-9665
International Federation of Sports Chiropractic (FICS)  Federation Internationale de Chiropratique du Sport Logo ImageActivities include building relationships with international sports federations, athletes, other health care professionals and their representative organizations; developing and presenting postgraduate educational programs for sports chiropractors; and coordinating teams of properly credentialed sports chiropractors to provide services to athletes at major sporting events up to and including the Olympic Games.
National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE)
President:  Karlos Boghosian, DC, President
901 54th Ave
Greeley, CO
Fax:  (970) 356-6134
National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE)  Logo Image
CEO: Norman Outz, D.C.
The principal testing organization for the chiropractic profession. Provides standardized academic and pre-licensure clinical testing services. These include: Part I (Basic Science), Part II (Clinical Science), Part III (Written Clinical Competency), and Part IV (Practical Demonstration of Skills), Special Purposes Exam for Chiropractic (SPEC), and optional tests in physiotherapy, acupuncture, and ethics and boundaries.
National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA)
President:  Margaret E. O'Kane, President
1100 13th Street, NW Ste. 1000
Washington, DC
Toll Free:  (888) 275-7585
Fax:  (202) 955-3599
National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Logo ImageAn independent, not-for-profit organization that assesses and reports on health plan quality. Holds health plans accountable for the quality of care and services they deliver. Provides information to consumers and employer. Does not intervene directly on behalf of consumers.
World Chiropractic Alliance (WCA)
2683 Via deLaValle, Ste G 629
Del Mar, CA
Toll Free:  (800) 347-1011
Fax:  (866) 789-8073
World Chiropractic Alliance (WCA) Logo ImagePublishes The Chiropractic Journal.
World Congress of Chiropractic Students (WCCS)
President:  Brian Miller
1246 Yonge Street, Suite 202/203
Toronto, ON
M4T 1W5
World Congress of Chiropractic Students (WCCS) Logo ImageAn international organization representing future doctors of chiropractic. Meets annually to discuss issues pertaining to students
World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC)
President:  Kendrah da Silva, D.C.
Vice President:  Ryan Coster, D.C.
160 Eglinton Ave East, Ste #601
Toronto, ON
M4P 3B5
Fax:  (416) 484-9665
World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC) Logo Image
Richard Brown, D.C, LL.M, Secretary General
Members are national associations of chiropractors in over 60 countries. The WFC represents them and the profession in the international community.