Our mission: To protect the public by promoting excellence in chiropractic regulation through service to our member boards
Our vision: The FCLB is the premier international resource for information and consolidated services for ensuring the safe, ethical practice of chiropractic
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- District Of Columbia
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
District 1
License Date: N/A
FCLB Member: Yes
Website: https://www.commerce.alaska.gov/web/cbpl/ProfessionalLicensing/BoardofChiropracticExaminers.aspx
The Federation does not provide interpretation of the scope of practice laws or rules of any chiropractic licensing authority, nor can we provide specific details regarding licensing requirements. The educational and testing requirements for each State or Province set forth in this Directory are intended as a general guide. It is strongly recommended that anyone interested in becoming licensed in a particular State or Province contact the Board office or the Secretary of the respective board to secure current and complete details before matriculating in any school. |
(Contact State for precise definition by state law)A person licensed under this chapter may analyze, diagnose, or treat the chiropractic condition of a patient by chiropractic core methodology or by ancillary methodology. Chiropractic core methodology to mean the treatment and prevention of subluxation by chiropractic adjustment as indicated by a chiropractic diagnosis and includes the determination of contraindications to chiropractic adjustment, the normal regimen and rehabilitation of the patient and patient education procedures; chiropractic core methodology does not incorporate the use of prescription drugs, surgery, needle acupuncture, obstetrics, or X-rays used for therapeutic purposes. Ancillary methodology to mean employing within the scope of chiropractic practice, with appropriate training and education, those methods, procedures, modalities, devices, and measures commonly used by trained and licensed health care providers.
Board Notes
Board handles both licensing and disciplinary functions.Contact Info
Board Administrator: Reid Bowman | Program Coordinator 2
Legal Advisor: |
Support Staff: N/A |
Additional Support Staff:
Website: https://www.commerce.alaska.gov/web/cbpl/ProfessionalLicensing/BoardofChiropracticExaminers.aspx
Email Address: boardofchiropracticexaminers@alaska.gov
Phone: (907) 465-2500
Phone Extension:
Fax: (907) 465-2974
Fax For Application: No
Street Address: Division of Corporations, Business & Professional Licensing 333 Willoughby Avenue, 9th Floor
Street Address Cont: P.O. Box 110806
City: Juneau
State: AK
Zipcode: 99811-0806
Time Zone: Alaska
Application Info
Required Licenses:
Application Deadline: 45 days prior to exam date
Application Fee: $250 (non-refundable)
Application Notes:
Term: Biennial
Term Notes:
Jurisprudence Exam Dates: Open book as needed
Exam Fee: $200
Exam Fee Notes:
Initial License Fee: $600
Initial License Fee Notes:
License Renewal Fee: $600
Criminal Background Check: Yes
Criminal Background Check Notes: Checks required from Alaska and all other jurisdictions the applicant has previously been licensed. Name based searches are acceptable.
Fingerprinting: No
Fingerprinting Notes:
Education Info
Minimum Years Pre Professional Education: 2
Bachelor Degree Required: No
Accreditation For Chiropractic Programs: Council on Chiropractic Education
Accreditation Notes:
Special Requirements For Graduates Of Foreign Colleges: Not Available
Student Practice Info
May Sit for Board Exam Prior To Graduation: No
Supervised Practice: Preceptor
Supervised Practice Required: No
Supervised Practice Notes:
Examinations Info
Exams Administered By State:
State or provincial laws and rules / Jurisprudence
State or provincial laws and rules / Jurisprudence
NBCE Part 1: Required
NBCE Part 2: Required
NBCE Part 3: Required
NBCE Part 4: Required
NBCE Physiotheraphy: Required
NBCE Acupuncture: Required
NBCE Spec: Required
SPEC Notes:
Reciprocity/Endorsement: Can use in place of Part III and IV
Reinstatement Lapsed License: Can use now
Disciplinary Cases: Can use now
Impairment Review: Can use now
Reciprocity/Endorsement: Can use in place of Part III and IV
Reinstatement Lapsed License: Can use now
Disciplinary Cases: Can use now
Impairment Review: Can use now
Certifications Info
Optional Certifications:
Physiotherapy Termed: Termed Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy Certification: Included in Chiropractic License
Physiotherapy Education: 120 Hours by Examination
Physiotherapy Exam: NBCE Physiotherapy Exam or Equivalent State Exam
Physiotherapy Fee: None
Board Regulates Specialty Council Certification: No
License Portability Info
Condition For Reciprocity Endorsement: To qualify for licensure by credentials, an applicant must have been licensed for at least five years in another jurisdiction and must have at least three years of active licensed clinical practice within the last five years.
Board Permits And Authorizes Travel To Treat: Yes
Board Permits And Authorizes Telemedicine Practices: No
Additional Info
Licensees Required To Carry Malpractice Insurance: No
Malpractice Notes:
Peer Review: Yes
Legally Accepted Terms for Chiropractor: (in addition to Doctor of Chiropractic, D.C., Chiropractor): Chiropractic Physician.
Chiropractors Defined As Primary Care Physicians: No
Chiropractic Therapy Assistants Info
Regulated: Yes
Continuing Education Info
Required Hours Per Year: 16 Total Hours
Distance Hours Allowed Per Year: No more than half of the total requirement
Required Subjects: four subcategories: 8 hours of the total amount required in diagnostic imaging/X-Ray; 2 hours of the total
requirement devoted to coding and documentation; 2 hours of the total requirement devoted to ethics and boundaries; 2 hours of the total requirement devoted to cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training (effective 1/1/2013)
Additional Requirements And Information For CE:
Program Criteria: Must be board approved.
Must be directly related to chiropractic principles, practice, or philosophy
Requires AIDS awareness/risk prevention training: No
Accepts uniform continuing education form: Yes
Requires sexual boundaries training: No
Program Criteria: Must be board approved.
Must be directly related to chiropractic principles, practice, or philosophy
Requires AIDS awareness/risk prevention training: No
Accepts uniform continuing education form: Yes
Requires sexual boundaries training: No
Additional CE Information: Minimum of 8 of the total hours requirement must be in
x- ray/diagnostic imaging.
Additional Accepts PACE: Accepts PACE
Regulatory Board Members
Brian Larson, D.C.
Walter Campbell, D.C.
Board Member
Board Member
Tim Kanady, D.C.
Board Member
Board Member
John Lloyd, D.C.
Board Member
Board Member
Ronald Gherman
Public Member
Public Member
Statistical Info
Current As Of Date: 2023
Active Licenses: 318
Inactive Licenses: 29
New Licenses: 16 (from 07/01/2022 through 06/30/2023)
Resident Licenses:
Retired Licenses: 16
Other Status Licenses: N/Z
Chiropractic Assistants:
Statistical Notes: Current as of 12/01/2023