BOARD OF CHIROPRACTIC Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health Licensure Unit

Our mission: To protect the public by promoting excellence in chiropractic regulation through service to our member boards

Our vision: The FCLB is the premier international resource for information and consolidated services for ensuring the safe, ethical practice of chiropractic

BOARD OF CHIROPRACTIC Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health Licensure Unit

District 1
License Date:   N/A
FCLB Member:   Yes
License Verification:   
Regulatory Language:   
The Federation does not provide interpretation of the scope of practice laws or rules of any chiropractic licensing authority, nor can we provide specific details regarding licensing requirements. The educational and testing requirements for each State or Province set forth in this Directory are intended as a general guide. It is strongly recommended that anyone interested in becoming licensed in a particular State or Province contact the Board office or the Secretary of the respective board to secure current and complete details before matriculating in any school.


(Contact State for precise definition by state law)
The practice of chiropractic is defined as being one or a combination of the following, without the use of drugs or surgery:
1) The diagnosis and analysis of the living human body for the purpose of detecting ailments, disorders, and disease by the use of diagnostic X-ray, physical and clinical examination, and routine procedures including urine analysis; or
2) The science and art of treating human ailments, disorders, and disease by locating and removing any interference with the transmission and expression of nerve energy in the human body by chiropractic adjustment, chiropractic physiotherapy, and the use of exercise, nutrition, dietary guidance, and colonic irrigation. The use of X-rays beyond the axial skeleton shall be solely for diagnostic purposes and shall not
expand the practice of chiropractic to include the treatment of human ailments, disorders and disease not permitted when the use of X-rays was limited to the axial skeleton.

Board Notes

Contact Info

Board Administrator:   Claire Covert-Bybee | Program Manager
Legal Advisor:    |
Support Staff:   Kim Hitzel | Board Coordinator
Additional Support Staff:   
Email Address:
Phone:   (402) 471-2299
Phone Extension:   
Fax:   (402) 742-1152
Fax For Application:   No
Street Address:   Office of Rehabilitation & Community Services 301 Centennial Mall South
Street Address Cont:   P.O. Box 94986
City:   Lincoln
State:   NE
Zipcode:   68509-4986
Time Zone:   Central

Application Info

Required Licenses:   Chiropractic
Application Deadline:   None
Application Fee:   $144 fee is prorated to $36 Feb-July of even numbered years
Application Notes:   
Term:   Biennial
Term Notes:   Renew August 1 in even-numbered years
Jurisprudence Exam Dates:   
Exam Fee:   None
Exam Fee Notes:   
Initial License Fee:   $144 fee is prorated to $36 Feb-July of even numbered years
Initial License Fee Notes:   
License Renewal Fee:   $144
Criminal Background Check:   Yes
Criminal Background Check Notes:   
Not fingerprint based.
Fingerprinting:   No
Fingerprinting Notes:   

Education Info

Minimum Years Pre Professional Education:   2
Bachelor Degree Required:   No
Accreditation For Chiropractic Programs:    A candidate for licensure must have graduated from an accredited college of chiropractic. Accredited college of chiropractic means a school or college which meets the conditions specified in Neb. Rev. Stat. 38-803. The Department recognizes, upon the recommendation of the Board, colleges or schools of chiropractic accredited by the Council on Chiropractic Education or other federally approved chiropractic accrediting agency provided such college or school meets the conditions specified in Neb. Rev. Stat. 38-803.
Accreditation Notes:   
Special Requirements For Graduates Of Foreign Colleges:    Contact Board for specific information.

Student Practice Info

May Sit for Board Exam Prior To Graduation:   No
Supervised Practice:   None
Supervised Practice Required:   No
Supervised Practice Notes:   Students may practice under licensed D.C. provided they are enrolled in an accredited college of chiropractic, services performed are part of course of study, practice under direct supervision of licensed chiropractor.

Examinations Info

Exams Administered By State:
State or provincial laws and rules / Jurisprudence,
NBCE Part 1:   Required
NBCE Part 2:   Required
NBCE Part 3:   Required
NBCE Part 4:   Required
NBCE Physiotheraphy:   Required
NBCE Acupuncture:   Not Accepted
NBCE Spec:   Not Accepted
SPEC Notes:   (in lieu of Part IV) Reciprocity/Endorsement: Accepted Reinstatement Lapsed License: Yes Disciplinary Cases: Can use now Impairment Review: No

Certifications Info

Optional Certifications:
Physiotherapy Termed:   Chiropractic Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy Certification:   Included in Chiropractic License
Physiotherapy Education:    No specific requirements
Physiotherapy Exam:   NBCE Physiotherapy Exam or Equivalent State Exam
Physiotherapy Fee:   None
Board Regulates Specialty Council Certification:   No

License Portability Info

Condition For Reciprocity Endorsement:   Have met substantially equivalent requirements in the other state as required in Nebraska, also license in good standing. Contact board office for full details.
Board Permits And Authorizes Travel To Treat:   No
Board Permits And Authorizes Telemedicine Practices:   No

Additional Info

Licensees Required To Carry Malpractice Insurance:   No
Malpractice Notes:   
Peer Review:   No
Legally Accepted Terms for Chiropractor:   
Chiropractors Defined As Primary Care Physicians:   No

Chiropractic Therapy Assistants Info

Regulated:   No

Continuing Education Info

Required Hours Per Year:   Must complete 36 hours of continuing education, which include 8 mandatory hours, biennially as a condition for license renewal.
Distance Hours Allowed Per Year:    Included in self-study. Maximum of 6 hours
Required Subjects:   The 8 mandatory hours must include 4 hours related to technical skills in one or a combination of the following categories: (1) X-ray physics, quality control, x-ray production and interpretation of diagnostic imaging; and/or (2) chiropractic adjustive techniques; AND 4 hours related to practice issues in one or a combination of the following categories: (1) continuing education pertaining to HIV/AIDS, infectious diseases and related conditions as they relate to chiropractic; (2) gender sensitivity and sexual harassment issues (commonly referred to as boundary training); (3) chiropractic scope of practice in the State of Nebraska (must include adopted practice guidelines and practice law specific to Nebraska only); (4) ordering laboratory tests and interpreting information from laboratory tests; (5) performing physical, neurological, and orthopedic examination procedures as they relate to chiropractic practice; (6) prevention of fraud, system set-ups, coding, quality control, and standards of practice; (7) rehabilitative care as it relates to chiropractic practice; (8) practice ethics as recognized by state or national associations; (9) use of unlicensed personnel. Contact the board for listing of acceptable CE requirements.
Additional Requirements And Information For CE:   Board does not pre-approve programs. Must be scientific, related to practice of chiropractic.
Additional CE Information:   
Additional Accepts PACE:   Accepts PACE

Regulatory Board Members

Scott D. Misek, D.C.
Heather D. Henrichs, D.C.
Vice Chair
Brian E. Stevens, D.C.
David D. Henske
Public Member

Statistical Info

Current As Of Date:   2024
Active Licenses:   800
Inactive Licenses:   260
New Licenses:   
Resident Licenses:   
Retired Licenses:   
Other Status Licenses:   
Chiropractic Assistants:   
Statistical Notes:   As of 10/8/2024