Our mission: To protect the public by promoting excellence in chiropractic regulation through service to our member boards
Our vision: The FCLB is the premier international resource for information and consolidated services for ensuring the safe, ethical practice of chiropractic
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District 1
License Date: N/A
FCLB Member: Yes
Website: https://boards.bsd.dli.mt.gov/chiropractors/
The Federation does not provide interpretation of the scope of practice laws or rules of any chiropractic licensing authority, nor can we provide specific details regarding licensing requirements. The educational and testing requirements for each State or Province set forth in this Directory are intended as a general guide. It is strongly recommended that anyone interested in becoming licensed in a particular State or Province contact the Board office or the Secretary of the respective board to secure current and complete details before matriculating in any school. |
(Contact State for precise definition by state law)Chiropractic is the system of specific adjustment or manipulation of the articulations and tissues of the body, particularly of the spinal column, for the correction of nerve interference and includes the use of recognized diagnostic and treatment methods as taught in chiropractic colleges, but does not include surgery or the prescription or use of drugs. Licensed Doctors of Chiropractic may diagnose, palpate, and treat the human body by the application of manipulative, manual, mechanical, and dietetic methods, including chiropractic physiotherapy, the use of supportive appliances, analytical instruments, and diagnostic X-ray in accordance with guidelines promulgated or approved by the State or Federal Health Regulatory Agencies.
Board Notes
Contact Info
Board Administrator: David White | Executive Officer 1
Legal Advisor: Division Attorney's assigned case-by case, as needed |
Support Staff: Jed Breker | Executive officer 1
Additional Support Staff:
Website: https://boards.bsd.dli.mt.gov/chiropractors/
Email Address: dlibsdchi@mt.gov
Phone: (406) 444-6880
Phone Extension:
Fax: N/A
Fax For Application: No
Street Address: 301 South Park Ave 4th Floor
Street Address Cont: P.O. Box 200513
City: Helena
State: MT
Zipcode: 59620-0513
Time Zone: Mountain
Application Info
Required Licenses: Chiropractic
Application Deadline: None
Application Fee: $300
Application Notes:
Term: Annual
Term Notes: Renew by September 1 every year
Jurisprudence Exam Dates: Part of the application
Exam Fee: $100 re-exam fee if jurisprudence is failed
Exam Fee Notes:
Initial License Fee: $0
Initial License Fee Notes:
License Renewal Fee: $200 active, $100 inactive, $25 impairment evaluator endorsement
Criminal Background Check: No
Criminal Background Check Notes:
Fingerprinting: No
Fingerprinting Notes:
Education Info
Minimum Years Pre Professional Education: 2
Bachelor Degree Required: Yes
Accreditation For Chiropractic Programs: Council on Chiropractic Education Note: All candidates must be graduates of colleges that are CCE accredited or another accrediting body in good standing with the Council on Chiropractic Education International (CCEI)
Accreditation Notes:
Accreditation Notes:
Special Requirements For Graduates Of Foreign Colleges: Contact Board for specific information.
Student Practice Info
May Sit for Board Exam Prior To Graduation: No
Supervised Practice: Intern
Supervised Practice Required: Yes
Supervised Practice Notes:
Preceptor/Intern/Extern Program: Students may practice under licensed D.C., provided they file preceptor application and letter from school. Temporary permits are available to graduated D.C.s to practice under licensed D.C. while waiting to take National Boards Part IV, or SPEC
Examinations Info
Exams Administered By State:
State or provincial laws and rules / Jurisprudence
State or provincial laws and rules / Jurisprudence
NBCE Part 1: Required
NBCE Part 2: Required
NBCE Part 3: Required
NBCE Part 4: Required
NBCE Physiotheraphy: Required
NBCE Acupuncture: Not Accepted
NBCE Spec: Accepted
SPEC Notes: Currently used for: Endorsement or terminated License; Disciplinary cases
Not used for: Impairment Review * Apply to Board to take SPEC Exam
Certifications Info
Optional Certifications:
Impairment Evaluator Certification requires 4 hours CE every 4 years. This is in addition to their regular 12 hours of CE (including Ethics and Boundaries). Not a requirement for licensure.
Board regulates specialty council certification: Must document specialty with board prior to placing advertisement.
Impairment Evaluator Certification requires 4 hours CE every 4 years. This is in addition to their regular 12 hours of CE (including Ethics and Boundaries). Not a requirement for licensure.
Board regulates specialty council certification: Must document specialty with board prior to placing advertisement.
Physiotherapy Termed: Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy Certification: Included in Chiropractic License
Physiotherapy Education: No specific requirements
Physiotherapy Exam: NBCE Physiotherapy Exam or Equivalent State Exam
Physiotherapy Fee: None
Board Regulates Specialty Council Certification: No
License Portability Info
Condition For Reciprocity Endorsement: Other states current licensing requirements must be substantially equivalent otherwise NBCE SPEC must be passed or Montana state requirements must be met.
Board permits or authorizes travel-to-treat requirements: Must be licensed in Montana.
Board permits or authorizes travel-to-treat requirements: Must be licensed in Montana.
Board Permits And Authorizes Travel To Treat: Yes
Board Permits And Authorizes Telemedicine Practices: No
Additional Info
Licensees Required To Carry Malpractice Insurance: No
Malpractice Notes:
Peer Review: Yes
Legally Accepted Terms for Chiropractor: (in addition to Doctor of Chiropractic, D.C., Chiropractor): Chiropractic Doctor
Chiropractors Defined As Primary Care Physicians: No
Chiropractic Therapy Assistants Info
Regulated: No
Continuing Education Info
Required Hours Per Year: 12 hours per year
Distance Hours Allowed Per Year: 12 hours
Required Subjects: See ARM 24.126.2105
Additional Requirements And Information For CE: Accepts uniform continuing education form: Yes
Requires sexual boundaries training: No
Board requires Professional Boundaries & Ethics: Yes, Licensees shall complete four hours of CE in professional boundaries and ethics every four-year reporting period. These hours shall be in addition to and not count toward the 12 hours of CE required each renewal period.
Requires AIDS awareness/risk prevention training: No
Other specific CE training required: None
Optional Licenses or Certification: Impairment Evaluator Certification and Dry Needling Not a requirement for licensure.
Requires sexual boundaries training: No
Board requires Professional Boundaries & Ethics: Yes, Licensees shall complete four hours of CE in professional boundaries and ethics every four-year reporting period. These hours shall be in addition to and not count toward the 12 hours of CE required each renewal period.
Requires AIDS awareness/risk prevention training: No
Other specific CE training required: None
Optional Licenses or Certification: Impairment Evaluator Certification and Dry Needling Not a requirement for licensure.
Additional CE Information: Licensees holding impairment evaluator certificates shall, upon release of an updated American Medical Association Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment edition, obtain two hours of specialized CE relevant to the updated edition.
(a) These hours shall be in addition to the CE required for the underlying chiropractic license.
(a) These hours shall be in addition to the CE required for the underlying chiropractic license.
Additional Accepts PACE: Accepts PACE
Regulatory Board Members
Marcus Nynas, D.C.
Board Member
Board Member
Julie Murack, D.C.
Richard Forrette, D.C.
Vice President
Vice President
Dustin Rising, D.C.
Board Member
Board Member
Statistical Info
Current As Of Date: 2023
Active Licenses: 531
Inactive Licenses: 58
New Licenses: 21
Resident Licenses: 472
Retired Licenses: n/a
Other Status Licenses: 59
Chiropractic Assistants: n/a
Statistical Notes: license numbers are from 7-03-2023 to 12-17-2023