Our mission: To protect the public by promoting excellence in chiropractic regulation through service to our member boards

Our vision: The FCLB is the premier international resource for information and consolidated services for ensuring the safe, ethical practice of chiropractic


District 4
License Date:   N/A
FCLB Member:   Yes
Website:   https://www.ok.gov/chiropracticboard/
License Verification:   
Regulatory Language:   


(Contact State for precise definition by state law)
Chiropractic is the science and art that teaches health in anatomic relation and disease or abnormality in anatomic disrelation, and includes hygienic, sanitary and therapeutic measures incident thereto. The scope of practice of chiropractic shall include those diagnostic and treatment services and procedures which have been taught by an accredited chiropractic college and have been approved by the Board of Chiropractic Examiners.

Board Notes

Board handles both licensing and disciplinary functions.

Contact Info

Board Administrator:   Beth Kidd | Executive Director
Legal Advisor:   Andra Holder | Assistant Attorney General
Support Staff:   Stacie Rasmussen | Administrative Assistant
Additional Support Staff:   
Website:   https://www.ok.gov/chiropracticboard/
Email Address:   Stacie.rasmussen@chiro.ok.gov
Phone:    (405) 522-3400
Phone Extension:   
Fax:    (866) 245-2748
Fax For Application:   No
Street Address:   421 NW 13th Street
Street Address Cont:   Suite 180
City:   Oklahoma City
State:   OK
Zipcode:   73103
Time Zone:   Central

Application Info

Required Licenses:   Chiropractic
Application Deadline:    30 days prior to exam date
Application Fee:   $300 payable online with online application
Application Notes:   
Term:   Annual
Term Notes:   Renew by July 1st
Jurisprudence Exam Dates:   Contact board for specific information on dates for examinations.
Exam Fee:   Payable to NBCE
Exam Fee Notes:   Jurisprudence examination administered by NBCE
Initial License Fee:   
Initial License Fee Notes:   
License Renewal Fee:   
$275 active resident
$50 resident DC (retired and over 65)
$100 inactive resident
$175 inactive non-resident.
Payable online through database portal.
Criminal Background Check:   Yes
Criminal Background Check Notes:    Effective November 1, 2017 all applicants are required to submit to a national criminal history record check.
Fingerprinting:   Yes
Fingerprinting Notes:   Yes; Effective November 1, 2017. Contact board, pursuant to Section 150.9 of Title 74. Cost is responsibility of applicant

Education Info

Minimum Years Pre Professional Education:   0
Bachelor Degree Required:   No
Accreditation For Chiropractic Programs:    Accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.
Accreditation Notes:   
Special Requirements For Graduates Of Foreign Colleges:   Each applicant shall be a graduate of an accredited chiropractic college. For those graduating from a chiropractic program outside of the United States the applicants must have completed an educational program leading to a degree in chiropractic from an institution authorized to operate by the government having jurisdiction in which it is domiciled. All credentials, diplomas, and other required documentation in a foreign language submitted to the Board by such applicants shall be accompanied by notarized English translations. International applicants shall provide satisfactory evidence of meeting the requirements for permanent residence or temporary nonimmigrants status as set forth by the United States citizenship and Immigration services.

Student Practice Info

May Sit for Board Exam Prior To Graduation:   Yes
Supervised Practice:   Preceptor
Supervised Practice Required:   No
Supervised Practice Notes:   Preceptor/Intern/Extern Program: Students may practice under licensed D.C. through preceptorship guidance program. No temporary license for graduated D.C. to practice under licensed D.C. Require supervised practice prior to full licensure: Contact Board

Examinations Info

Exams Administered By State:
State or provincial laws and rules / Jurisprudence
NBCE Part 1:   Required
NBCE Part 2:   Required
NBCE Part 3:   Required
NBCE Part 4:   Required
NBCE Physiotheraphy:   Required
NBCE Acupuncture:   Accepted
NBCE Spec:   Required
SPEC Notes:   SPEC Exams are accepted and utilized at the discretion of the Board.

Certifications Info

Optional Certifications:
Injectable Certification following completion of a Board approved injectable certification course.
Animal chiropractic certification.
Contact Board office about registry for post-doctorate diplomates and non-diplomate certifications.
Advertising prohibited unless the chiropractor registers specialty with the Board.
Physiotherapy Termed:   Physiological Therapeutics
Physiotherapy Certification:   Included in Chiropractic License
Physiotherapy Education:   No specific Requirements
Physiotherapy Exam:   None
Physiotherapy Fee:   None
Board Regulates Specialty Council Certification:   Yes

License Portability Info

Condition For Reciprocity Endorsement:   The applicant must have three years active practice and be in good standing in the state, territory or province where he/she is currently licensed.
Board Permits And Authorizes Travel To Treat:   Yes
Board Permits And Authorizes Telemedicine Practices:   No

Additional Info

Licensees Required To Carry Malpractice Insurance:   Yes
Malpractice Notes:   No minimum requirement is set by the Board.
Peer Review:   No
Legally Accepted Terms for Chiropractor:   (In addition to Doctor of Chiropractic, D.C., Chiropractor, Chiropractic Doctor): Chiropractic Physician, Physician of Chiropractic
Chiropractors Defined As Primary Care Physicians:   No

Chiropractic Therapy Assistants Info

Regulated:   No

Continuing Education Info

Required Hours Per Year:   16
Distance Hours Allowed Per Year:   8
Required Subjects:   Other specific CE training required: Considered by the board annually.
New Doctor Orientation CE for new licensees with less than 3 years in active practice. Contact board office for further information.
Requires sexual boundaries training: N/A
Requires AIDS awareness/risk prevention training: N/A
Additional Requirements And Information For CE:   Program Criteria: Approval of programs to be offered to satisfy license renewal provisions is vested solely in the Board. All seminars shall be of a chiropractic nature (among other relevant factors).
Additional CE Information:   Contact Board for additional information.
Additional Accepts PACE:   Accepts PACE Precheck

Regulatory Board Members

Lance Hoose, D.C.
Arnold Kenyon, D.C.
Board Member
Jennifer Hanson, D.C.
Board Member
Joseph Holman, D.C.
Vernon Millspaugh, D.C.
Board Member
Jason Drake, D.C.
Vice President
Susan Jordan
Public Member
Kacey Nicholes, D.C.
Board Member
James P. Rhodes, D.C
Board Member

Statistical Info

Current As Of Date:   2024
Active Licenses:   979
Inactive Licenses:   34
New Licenses:   Contact Board
Resident Licenses:   9
Retired Licenses:   42
Other Status Licenses:   63 Inactive Non-Resident
Chiropractic Assistants:   69
Statistical Notes:   Current as of 10/1/2024